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Episode 33: A Foster and Adoption Story with Hank Fortner

You’ve likely heard my fertility and adoption journeys by now. Whether adoption is a blip on your radar or not, the guest this week has a story that will have you inspired to follow your heart and open up your mind to the adoption process. Hank Fortener is the founder of the world's first and largest crowdfunding site for adoption costs. They have helped over 5000 families raise over $28M to cover adoption expenses and bring their children home forever. He also co-founded World Adoption Day which is November 9th.

Hank understands the burdensome blessing that is the adoption process. His family fostered 36 children and adopted 6 from 5 different countries while he was growing up. He knows firsthand how painful & euphoric adopting a child can be, and it is this experienced heart for adoption that drives AdoptTogether.

Hank Fortener is also a speaker, entrepreneur, and activist who has spoken to audiences around the world, at a TEDx conference, and through podcasts that have been downloaded by over 1 million listeners. Hank currently serves as General Manager of Artist Management at Roc Nation. He lives in Los Angeles with his wife and two daughters.

In this episode Hank shares:

What it’s really like to be a foster parent
Things every foster parent needs to know
What his childhood was like living with 36 foster children
The incredible impact you can have by adopting
Reasons to consider adopting a child
The differences between fostering and adopting
At any moment 73.5 mm people in the us are considering adoption, which is 4x the number of adoptable children in the entire world
Cost is the number one reason families do not adopt
To adopt a child it can cost up to $50,000
19 million are orphaned worldwide
500,000 kids are in foster care in the US
Every year, 20,000 kids age out of foster care in the US


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In honor of World Adoption Day, November 9th, draw a smiley face on your hand and share on social media @worldadoptionday

Follow on social @Adopttogether

Follow Hank on social @Hank

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